Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015

RANDOM OUESTION AND ANSWER - 3RD OF 2015 (11/08/2015) ^________^

Do you like going window shopping? Yes, I do like and love window shopping a lot. I did that once a while since, as I said, purchasing too many new clothes could be money consuming. Glad to have bunch of gifts from anyone --- clothing items, hair accessories and beauty products.

Do you follow trends? Yes. I do follow trends that I do feel that those trends are (or were) suiting to my own sides of personalities in life. If not, I shall throw all those trends into dustbin of my head. It's not important to be followed. Knowing yourself is more important than following trends on fashion and others.

Do you have anything that you especially like in another person? Nope. I don't own any barriers in finding someone else to be very attractive for having conversation. I do love talking about music and wide range of topics with random strangers and/or old friends.

Describe your country? Peace and corrupted. Money and minds. I could tell that I do hope that my country shall be better than now with the new appointed president and others. I do also hope for the presence of peace in the mind of others --- not only about on my personal mindset.

Are you artistic and creative? Both. I could only answer this question with that particular one word. 

At what point does a girl become a woman? When she is able to define and know who she is and be bold. Be independent and be free in expressing who she is without the feel of shame inter-personally.

Have you ever lost someone you really loved? Yes. Death and any separation of relationships with loved ones has (or had) been not a major downturn, but has (or had) been a mental support to go through personal pain and keep on smiling through days of daily personal life.

Do you think fairy tales influence our choice of a partner? Nope. Following fairy tales is simply irritating. I don't believe in unicorns and others. All of them are only imaginations of story creators. Unrealistic. Idiotic for believing them.

Do you prefer Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or neither? Facebook.

Have you ever hated someone? Yes. I couldn't describe further about the rest about the stories related to personal life of mine here on personal blogs.

Current friend that you have known the longest? Emilia Purnawan and Erlina Lim. Old friends of mine since being a student on bachelor degree. Three different kinds of personalities. I do hope to meet each one of them sooner. 

Do you read the Bible? Yes.

Do you play a musical instrument? I might have answer that I cannot play any music instrument, but I do love playing organ with total freedom for fun. I don't wanna play the instrument with the mindset of following textbook directly. 

Cindy Tanubrata (11/08/2015)

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