Senin, 23 Februari 2015

RANDOM OUESTION AND ANSWER - 1ST OF 2015 (23/02/2015) ^________^

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would they title it? 
I don't know whether it shall happen or not. If it does happen, I would love to call it 'LIVE OF AN IMPERFECT MOON GODDESS'. I would love to let the world to know how many weaknesses that I own as a person and as human.

Are you the type of person who can eat at a restaurant or go to the movies alone?  Or do you always need someone by your side?  Explain.
For restaurant, both. For movie, it shall be better to be accompanied. Why? I hate seeing bloody and scary scenes. If it's happening, I shall go out first 'till I stop being scared. If I don't have a friend, I don't know how I shall get my inner-peace.

For restaurant, I can be both since I'm actually introvert, but has learning to act and think as an 'extrovert'. One weird combination actually! I couldn't believe that the training that has been done -- did make a great impact to me as a person.

You just got a full scholarship to two colleges: one is in New York City, the other is in California.  Which one would you choose?  Explain.
California -- as long there is a nature. That place shall be a winning one - compared to concrete jungle. That's my personal opinion.

Some people enjoy getting compliments and some people feel embarrassed by them.  Which are you? What are some compliments you get a lot?  Are there times when you get compliments and don’t believe them? Explain.
1) I guess that most of time when getting compliments. I didn't enjoy or feel embarrassed. I just simply being grateful and say 'thank you' sincerely to the person who give me compliments.
2) Pretty
3) There are some moments that I don't believe at all. On those moments, I didn't really appreciate about everything that I have. I do need to state that it takes a very long time for be self-adapt with myself and be grateful for everything that I has already owned.

Are you an extrovert (energized by being around other people) or an introvert (energized by being alone)?

When you meet someone your age the first time, what’s usually the first thing you notice? What’s something they could say or do in the first minute that would make you say to yourself “I want to be friends with him/her!”
1) Eyes --- since it's the most natural part of a person. It's hard to play around with it.
2) Simply looking at me and smile. That's a sign that the person doesn't put a barrier for trying to know me.

You’ve been hired to write a teen dictionary.  What would be the first 10 words all teens should know about?
Life is about changes, thus stop doing the 'bad' stuffs.

What do you do to let others know you love them?
Just be there (if necessary!). If it's not necessary, I shall do nothing since it might disturb the person internally.

List 10 things you want to do before you die.
1) Seeing blue sky with the 'majestic' Sun.
2) Hearing the wind-breeze -- whispering through the pair of my ears.
3) Seeing my loved ones.
4) Eat pizza
5) Drink coca cola
6) Remembering the memories of mine -- holding my nephew's hand while walking
7) Listening to Frank Sinatra - Autumn Leaves
8) Listening to ABBA - Dancing Queen
9) Reading the last released comic of Detective Conan
10) Reading the unforgotten title of novel -- written by Sidney Sheldon

When did you stop believing in Santa Claus?
Never believe in Santa Claus -- since how he could come into my house? Thinking that I live and breathe here. There is no way for him to come in if he's not coming from front door.

Write a poem about how it feels when you’re dancing.
Just one word: My own secret since I do love dancing alone and stupidly. Never again dancing in group. My body has been numb since I had stopped dancing since elementary school.

What’s your opinion on sagging pants?
Simply -- read the picture attached below.

What does it mean to be an adult?
Being an adult or being mature? I don't know how to answer it correctly. For me, being an adult means adding only one year on each of his/her birthday. Being mature has a meaning that the person could be responsible for each decision that the person has made. He/she is also responsible for his/her own life. A person with thoughtful mindset is completely being considered as a mature person.

Cindy Tanubrata (23/02/2015)

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